Thursday, February 14, 2013

Quick and Easy Apple Tart

Can you believe I haven't blogged here for almost 10 days. Just realized it myself. Been so awfully busy - mostly with kids being sick.

Well, I do hope you all had a great Valentine's day celebration. Did any of you make the lovely Flour-less Chocolate cake I shared with you last week?

Today, I want to share with you this Quick and Easy Apple Tart.  I do it so often because my kids love it but mostly when I have not planned any dessert of have no time to make dessert on Friday. My kids are spoiled they love dessert on Friday...! yeah, I do over pamper my kids... guilty.

Method- I've given you two methods below. The first one is my preferred method because you do not loose too much of the lovely juices during baking.
Apples -  I like to use the green granny smith apples but most often I do not plan ahead of time so end up making them with the red apples we buy for eating. Both work equally well.
Sugar - personally I calculate about 1/4 cup for each apple but do check your apples. For granny smith which are tart 1 cup is necessary but the red Galla are very sweet so I tend to use only 3/4 cup.

Makes one 9" Tart
Here's what you will need:

1 sheet Puff Pastry OR
1 single homemade Pie Crust - Pre baked.
4 Apples - pealed, cored and sliced thinly (see note above)
3/4 cup - 1 cup Brown sugar (see note above)
1 tbsp lemon juice.
1 tbsp Butter (optional)

Preheat the oven to 190C/380F

Method 1:
Line a 9" tart pan with Puff pastry, keep refrigerated  OR
You can make one Homemade Pie crust and line the tart pan with it.
Pre bake it as shown in the post.

Peal, core and slice the apples. Add the Brown sugar, lemon juice and toss to coat the apple slices.
Arrange the apple slices on the tart as best possible. Try to pack them well cause they will shrink when cooking.
Add small dabs of butter if you need. Most often I omit the butter. 
 Bake in a preheated oven at 190C/380F for about 30 minutes. Until the top is golden and bubbly.
Let rest of 15 minutes before you serve it. 
Method 2

Cut a dsic of puff pastry, place on a baking parchment. 
Using a  plate an inch smaller than the disc. Score around the plate forming a line. This will then bake as the tarts rim. 
Like so...
 Arrange the apples on the inside disc as best you can. Try to pack them closely as they will shrink when cooking.
Bake at 190C/380F for about 20 to 25 minutes. 
Can you see the loss of juices around the pan? That is why I personally prefer method 1 - using the tart pan minimizes the loss of valuable fruit juices.
Which ever method you choose.
I like to serve this tart warm with a dollop of ice cream. 
Enjoy your dessert.

Thanks for stopping by.

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