Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ricotta Filo Baskets

These little baskets are not only pretty but delicious too. I make them not only for parties but for my kids during the week too.  

I use to eat Ricotta cheese basket (not the same recipe) at a fancy hotel in Singapore every time I went for a Champagne brunch. They use to have these fancy mini treats that look so amazing on the table and tasted so delicious.  I love things that look pretty without have to do much really.

I especially loved them because these were without Spinach.  I love Spinach but not so much in these baskets. I like the fresh taste of the green onions and cilantro instead. 
This is my version of these baskets. I do hope you like them too.


Makes about  10 to 12 baskets

Here's what you will need:

For the Baskets
Filo pastry ( about 6 to 8 sheets depending on the size) see note below
Butter or Olive oil spray

For the filling:
250 grams Ricotta Cheese
1/4 cup cooked red onions
1/4 tsp garlic powder or (cook 1/4 tsp garlic with the red onions above).
1/4 cup chopped green onions
1/4 cup chopped parsley ( like to use cilantro sometimes too)
2 eggs
2 tbsp Parmesan cheese grated
salt and pepper to taste
4 tbsp milk 
Salt and pepper to taste

Note: From a cooking point -you could use Puff pastry, press single square to the cupcake holders and cook these at 200C/400 for about 20 minutes but then the baskets will look bulky.
Filo does give them that delicate look.

Preheat the oven at 190C/380 F.
First place all the filling ingredients in a bowl and stir well to combine. 
Place in the fridge while you prepare the baskets.
Take the Filo pastry out of the bag and cover with a damp kitchen cloth to prevent them from drying while you are working.
You can use three sheets piled up to make the baskets. I place the three sheet on the counter.
 Flip half over the other half and spray with olive oil or brush with melted butter.
Spray the bottom then flip the second and spray.
I do the same on the other side. This way I don't have to bother trying to line them up as they are very delicate. Make things easier.
Next cut the piled sheets into squares approximately, You do not need to be perfect .
The imperfect squares make nice basket rims too.
I have 16 squares above that will make 8 baskets.
 Grease a cupcake or muffin pan with olive oil spray or brush some oil with a pastry brush.
Take two square and place them diagonally like so on the cupcake pan.
Then press them down to the cupcake holders.
Next, spoon the filling into the baskets about 2/3 full.
 Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes. The filo tends to get golden faster but ensure the filling is cooked too. If necessary just place a piece of foil on the top to prevent the filo for going too brown. I did not need to tent with foil here.. I like them just light brown like so.
Serve and enjoy!
 I do hope you try these. Wish you all a good weekend.

Thanks for stopping by.

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