Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Whole Wheat loaf with Raisin and Nuts

I am quite fascinated that some of you have had great success with my bread recipes. I must admit I was a big hesitant about sharing my bread recipes considering that I'm just a home baker. But... I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying them.

This recipe is for those who asked how come I do not make healthy bread? Well there was a time when I ate only whole meal and other varieties of healthy bread. However, my family do not much fancy them. I am trying to get them to try off and on but these things take time.

Here's a whole wheat bread that's absolutely delicious and  you will enjoy weather you are concerned about healthy or not.
Note: for those of you who are just venturing into the world of whole wheat like my kids. do not feel compelled to use all whole wheat flour.
Start with a ratio of half whole wheat and half all purpose flour.. as you get use to eating whole wheat bread, increase or decrease the ratio of WWF to APF.

Here's what you will need

400 grams of Whole wheat bread
200 grams of All Purpose Flour
2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbsp Instant dry yeast
1 cups hot boiling water
1 cup warm milk
1 egg
2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp oil
1/4 cup raisins (golden or black)
1/3 cup nuts (Walnuts or Pecans)

Place the whole wheat flour (WWF) in a bowl.
I am using half WWF and half APF today. You could use the above ratio or as mentioned in my note above. 
Pour the one cup of hot boiling water. 
Stir to blend. Don't worry if you have some dry spots.
Leave to rest in a warm place for about an hour. By that time the mixture would have cooled to barely warm.
This process will help soften the gluten and give you a very soft bread. 
After an hour.
Place one cup warm milk in a cup - add yeast, honey, egg and oil. Stir to combine.
Set aside for 5 minutes until is becomes foamy as below.  Add Salt.
Add the yeast mixture to the wwf mixture. 
Using the dough hook or a wooden spoon (or your hand) - mix on low. The dough will be lumpy. 
 Now it's time to add the balance flour and knead.
continue to knead until the dough reaches a soft but elastic consistency 
Do your finger test. -- Press one finger into the dough....
 Life the finger and the dough should spring back.
Place in an oiled bowl and set aside for about an hour to 1 1/2 hour or until double in volume. 
 And there you see...! double in volume.
Get your raisins and nuts ready. Chop the nuts roughly.
For the raisins - add 1/4 cup water and heat in the microwave for about 40 secs. Let cool. Drain the excess water.
This will soften the raisins and will avoid taking any moisture from the dough.
 Teak the risen dough onto a floured surface. Knead the raisins and nuts into the dough gently.
 Flatten the dough and roll it into a log (like folding a spring roll)
Place into your greased loaf pan and press so it will take the shape of the pan. 
Let rise in a warm place for an hour or until double in volume.
Sorry did not take any picture here...
Once ready to bake - preheat the oven to 190 C / 380F.
Apply egg wash and bake for about 30 to 40 minutes.
Once baked let cool for at least 15 minutes before you cut.
Doesn't that look delicious?
I do hope you try this recipe..
Until next time. Happy cooking.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I seldom make whole wheat or bread for that matter. I always think it's best to buy and not worth the trouble. You make it look so easy I decided to try this and I must say you are so talented and a great teacher too. I love how you do those finger test.. My bread turned out perfect. I like the idea of half white and half wheat makes it easier to eat..
    Will definitely try more of your recipes..
