Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homemade Naan Bread

The naan is by far the most well known Indian bread. I  remember sometimes when you meet new people; the first thing they tell you because you are Indian is " Oh I love Indian food.. the Chicken Tikka and Naan.. Yup...!

Anyway,  I promised to share the recipe with some of  my non-Indian friends. So...!  Let's get started.

Here's What you will need: 
Makes 10 Naans 

500 grams 4 1/2 cups  - All Purpose Flour.
1 1/2  tsp Instant Dry Yeast
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Oil
1 tsp Salt
1 Egg
150 grams / 1/2 cup Yogurt
1/4 cup warm water. (plus extra is needed)

Minced Garlic in melted butter or oil
Nigella Seeds (Kalunji)
Melted Butter or Oil 


In a measuring cup - add warm water, yeast, sugar and oil. Let rest for a while until foamy (about 5 minutes)
Next add to it the Egg, Yogurt, Salt. Stir well.
Place the All purpose flour in a bowl. Add the above yeast / yogurt mixture to  the flour and knead well. If needed add more water or flour.
 The dough should be soft but not too sticky.Continue to knead for about 5 to 7 minutes.
Do your finger test.. (by now you know what I mean)
Fingers in....
 Fingers out... See soft and springy..! Your dough is ready.
 Place in an oiled bowl and let rest for at least 6 to 8 hours. I usually keep over night in the fridge.

During the resting stage if the dough does rise more than double in volume - just punch down and let sit in the fridge until you are ready. 
 Here you can see the dough is double in volume. I did not need to punch down because the quantity of yeast is quite less so it should not rise to fast.
Divide the dough in 10 equal balls. Here you can see nine because my daughter is playing with one...!
Yup my kids love to help - (did you notice the little finger in the previous pictures.. that's what makes my food more tasty!) 
 Preheat the oven to 220C/440F  for at least 20 minutes.
Roll each ball into a round or oval shape. (any shape will  do - really )
My kids use to make triangles and moons too!

To get an tear drop.. Roll into a round circle then with your hand just pull the circle from one side....
Next time I will take a picture - Sorry
Place in the preheated oven on the top shelf closer to the grill for about 4 to 5 minutes.. Until you see it's puffed up and has dark spots.  
This is a what I mean by puffed up.. It will balloon like a ball. You should wait for about 30 secs after this just to get a little more color..
At this time you should add any accompaniments you wish such as nigella seeds or melted butter or even crushed garlic in oil or butter...
My kids love it plain..!
See the dark spots.. that's ok.
 Here's my daughter eating the fruits of her labor....!
Well, that's my recipe for Naan - I do hope you give it a try.
Until next time, happy cooking.

Thanks for stopping by.

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