Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chocolate Cake with Whipped Cream

I recently made this cake for a family dinner.  It's so easy to put together you will be amazed.

What you will need:

1. Chocolate Cake - can me made ahead and kept in the fridge
One recipe of my - Simple yet moist Chocolate cake and bake it in two 8" cake pans.
2. Instant Chocolate Mousse - can be made a day ahead too.

1 packet chocolate pudding mix
500 ml - whipped cream.
100 grams - melted and cooled Chocolate  (optional)

Method: Whip the cream in a bowl or electric mixer - once it reaches soft peaks - add the pudding mix then fold in the melted cooled chocolate.
3. Whipped Cream- can be made a few hours ahead and kept in the fridge.

500 ml to 700 ml stabilized whipped cream - (here I'm using only 400 ml and you can see it's less)
see here how to stabilize whipped cream here.

Split each cake layer into two.

Spread a generous amount of the instant chocolate mousse in between the layers.
Sandwich both the cakes with a layer of chocolate mousse.
So you should have three layers of chocolate mousse.
Smooth the sides. Remove any excess mousse.
Let set in the fridge for about 15 minutes so it's easier to work. 
 Spread a generous amount of the stabilized whipped cream onto your cake.
Use a spatula or bench scraper or even the back of your knife to smooth the whipped cream.
Doesn't look like whipped cream does it? well that's how it is when you stabilize your cream.

Place any left over whipped cream into a piping bag with a star or even a plain plastic bag and pipe some shells or snails or just blobs.
 These chocolate decorations were done by my kids - we did a project together. My son actually made these with me.. I held his hand to guide him and they had fun.
Here you can see I piped the shells with whipped cream and just topped it with some of the chocolate decorations.
You could use some chocolate curls or even some colorful sprinkles for the kids.
Well, that's easy - isn't it..
This is a family favorite so when I have the family over for dinner I make this. Some of the family members are concerned with calories so I made only one layer of mousse in this cake - but I absolutely prefer the three layers I showed you above.
And that's how I made this cake.
I do hope you try this recipe.

Thanks for stopping by.

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