Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meat Stuff Pleated loaf

Are you guys wondering where I disappeared? Yeah,
I know, I've been busy with work. I do have so many recipes to share with you but have had not time to write them done.. Will get to them soon I hope.

In the mean time here's an important milestone to share with you. My cake blog crossed 200,000 page view in just 10 months. I am so happy to see that my cake blog is really reaching out to people.

Today I want to share with you something I make with a combination of two other recipes I have already shared with you earlier. I make this when I have guest coming over or sometimes just for us for dinner.

Here's what you'll need.

One recipe - Turkey filling ( I use my Croquettes recipe)
Half recipe - Clover leaf bread or Dinner Rolls recipe
One beaten egg


Make your Turkey filling  and let cool completely. Once cooled, add a beaten egg and stir to combine.

Half recipe of  my Clover leaf rolls - I made the full recipe and used half to make garlic knots.
Divide the dough in half. Use half for this pleated loaf
Us a rolling pin and roll the dough out into a rectangle.
Then cut the raw edges to make a nice neat edged rectangle.
Place it on a baking tray before you continue.
Place your meat filling in the center of the rectangle like so. Don't put too much...or the bread will burst when you cut.. spread evenly.

Next cut such lines, at an angle about 1/2 inch away from the filling, so you do not distort the filling.  
I usually like to cut off the first side flaps so I can flip the center over the filling. But if you don't don't worry about it.
Start placing the sides strips at an angle over the filling. Pull the strips firmly but not so much that the strips stretch.  You want a nice tight loaf but you don't want the strips to hang.
Almost towards the end. Here you can see what I meant about the top two side flaps. 
Roll them and an Viola you have a beautiful look pleated load.
Let rise for about 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes - egg wash and bake in a preheated oven at 180C/360 F for about 25 to 30 minutes.
Remember, the meat is cooked so you are only baking the bread.
And that's how it looks when you cut it. 
Pretty, isn't it! Make a nice loaf to have on a dinner table I think.
That's what I did with the second half of my bread recipe.

Well, that's it from me for today.

Thanks for stopping by.

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