Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to freeze strawberries

Have you been wondering where I disappeared? Did you realize that I haven't posted a recipe much in the month of March?
Well, I did something stupid - like opening an email attachment (in my defense I knew the person so I presumed it was safe) and ended up with a virus. Lucky it did not affect my whole PC just some folders. So had to leave some folders untouched for a while until I could figure out how to save some of those pictures or clean the virus....... ah well...... tried many things - spent some money in the process too... albeit.. had to delete a couple of folders... lost a lot of pictures from past and future post.

Well, it's all over now.. But have to start fresh.. Will need to take more pictures cause I lost some of what I wanted to share with you.
Kids and Cakes take priority so...... the food blog got neglected for a while.

But I'm back now and hopefully will take more pictures and post more recipes. Thank you to those of you that sent me messaged asking if I had stopping posting more recipe... Nah--- I'm still hear.. But thanks for asking - it does feel nice to be missed.

Strawberries are now in season so... don't forget to freeze some to use during the year..

I freeze about three of these bag each year..
It's really simple.. here's what you do.

First - Choose the best strawberries in the market you can find..
They should be deep red and firm.  These are sweeter and freeze well. 

Wash the strawberries clean under running water. Drain them in a colander
Spread them on a clean kitchen cloth. Wipe them dry.
This is important that you wipe them dry.
Take the stalks off - fish out the bad or soft ones that won't freeze well. 
Place them on a parchment lined tray.  Do not over crowd the tray - you do not want them touching each other.
Place them in the freeze for a couple of hours or over night until they are rock hard..

 Can you tell that these are frozen? Yep...
They feel like little pieces of rock..
 Place them in a freeze bag and store them in the corner of your freezer..
Now you have Strawberries when ever you need them. Just pick the number of strawberries you need out of the bag - it's best to thaw them in the fridge over night.
Next morning they are good to add to any dessert you need. 
The texture of these when thawed is the same as the frozen strawberries you buy from the market. So best to use in recipes that call for strawberries.
Use them just as you would store bought frozen strawberries..

Thank you for stopping by, Have a great day...

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