Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hamentashen Cookies, Ozen Haman Cookies, Purim Cookies

Every year I make these lovely Purim cookies for my kids. My son loves them but he only likes the ones filled with Nutella or chocolate.

When I had these the first time; years ago in the US - They were just made with short crust pasty filled with Poppy seed filling. I did not know there was a different recipe for it until I came to Israel.

I've tried several different recipes from the internet or from friends, each claiming to be authentic. Some crumple into a big mess before you eat it; while others so difficult to bit into..
The ones I like are when you can bite into the soft flesh; it crumbles in your mouth and mixes with the delicious filling inside.
So,  after trying several recipe, eventually formulated this which works best for me.. Not sure how authentic this is but my kids love it, my friends love it, now I hope you like it too.

Makes about 30 cookies

Here's what you will need:


170 grams ( 1 1/2 stick) unsalted Butter
1 cup fine granulated sugar
400 grams / 3 3/4 cups All Purpose flour ( use 110 grams as 1 cups for measure)
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 large egg + 1 egg yolk
2 tsp Vanilla or Orange Essence
4 tbsp orange juice

Filling - Poppy seed filling or Prune Filling or Nutela or Chocolate filling

Poppy Seed fillings 
1/2 cup poppy seeds
1/2 cup Milk
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup raisin or dried apple (optional)
 Method : Bring poppy seeds and milk to a boil - add butter, sugar and raisins or apples. Set aside to cool.

Prune Filling
1 cup prunes (pitted)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup raisins
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 lemon zest
Method - Soak the prunes and raisins in water over night. Process with all the rest of the ingredients in a food processor roughly.

Chocolate Filling
200 grams Chopped Chocolate
100 ml whipping cream.
Method - Heat the cream until just to boiling point. Pour over chocolate. Stir to combine - the heat in the cream should have melted the chocolate if not place in microwave for10 secs until melted. Cool completely before using.

Pre heat the oven at 170C/340 F
I'm doing this project with my two kids...
Cream butter, sugar until light and fluffy. Add Vanilla or orange extract. 
Add eggs one at a time.
 Next sift and combine-  flour, baking powder, salt together.
Add one cup at a time along with the orange juice
This is how soft it will be. Don't worry. 
Form into a ball. Divide into two. 
Pat each into a flat disc. Wrap in cling / plastic wrap.
Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes so the butter can set. 
 Next roll the dough using as little flour as possible.
Cut using a round cookie cutter. I'm using a fluted cutter here. 
Place the disc on a baking tray. 

Place a small teaspoon of filling in the center of the disc. Do not add too much filling. The cookies dough is delicious on it's own too. Too much filling will cause an over flow and open up.
Dampen the disc edges very lightly with water or egg white ( very lightly - just to secure them)
Form the triangle shapes. 
There are two ways to form the triangles - OR
1. Just over lap the three sides onto each other and bake (I call it the flat look)
2. This perky pinch method where you bring the three sides up. I personally like this look so I'll show you how I do this one..

Important. - With this dough I use - I do not brush the disc with any water or egg whites. Having said that, if you do not seal the triangle properly they can open up during baking. If you pinch the seal too much you will loose that lovely fluted look. So I suggest you do add a slight smear of water or egg white. Not too much.

The easiest way to find the middle with these triangles -
1. Pinch two sides 
2. Bring the third side up to the middle.  And press the folds gently
Do not pinch too much. 
I do the above two steps simultaneously. Pinch two sides and pick the third side up..  
 Place them all on a baking tray.
Note how my cookies are sealed but still have that nice fluted edges.
Bake in a preheated oven - at 170C/ 340 F for about 15 to 17 minutes.
 Cool on a wire rack.
Look at the edges. These have held well though I have not used any water or egg white.
You can see in the above picture I have two or so opened.
But not bad for a project with a 6 and 3 year old...
You can sprinkle these with some powder sugar but I think they look pretty like so..

Enjoy -  I do hope you try these out.. Wish you all Chag Sameach. Happy Purim.

Thanks for stopping by.

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