Sunday, January 27, 2013

Flourless Chocolate Cake (Espresso Flavored)

Perfect for Valentines day obviously... what can be better than chocolate on Valentines day? Right?

Another time that is great for making this cake is Passover. It's perfect cause you do not eat flour during passover... 

This is another one of my husband's favorite cake and I make it for him whenever we have a chocolate craving.
It's soft obviously because there is no flour and it's loaded with chocolate so a perfect treat for Valentine's day. Don't you think?

I'm using strawberries to decorate cause they are in season you don't have too! 
Here's a close up.  My son choose to put the strawberries in this manner but you could decorate it which ever way you want.

Note: If a Professional was doing this cake he would do it slightly different.
He would bake the cake, cool it. Cut a cake board exactly the same size of the cake, then flip the cake over a rack, make a chocolate glaze, pour chocolate glaze over it.
I'm not a chef so I like to make things easy on my self but I did show you how to do the above method in my recipe - Chocolate Ganache Chocolate Cake
I like that method but with that I have to make twice the amount of glaze. And not every one is comfortable with the process of flipping and handling a delicate cake. So this one is for those who like doing things a simpler way.
So if you want to do it the professional way go ahead and follow the how to on the Chocolate Ganache Chocolate Cake.  other wise you might find this method more easier.

Makes one 7" round or Heart shaped cake. 

Here's what you will need.
A 7" or 8" spring foam baking pan. or a 7" heart shaped baking pan. 

200 grams / 8 oz Chocolate ( I use 80%)
200 grams / 8 oz unsalted Butter
1 cup sugar (fine granulated sugar)
5 eggs large
2 tsp Vanilla extract
1 tsp Espresso or strong Coffee powder + 2 tbsp hot water.

For the glaze
200 grams 8 0z chocolate
100 grams 1/2 cup Unsalted Butter
150 ml whipping cream

6 to 10 Fresh Strawberries  for garnish. OR other fruit topping such as Orange wedges
OR Coffee Beans OR Chocolate Decorations.

Preheat the oven to 150 C/300F

Add coffee or espresso powder to the hot water.

Prepare you pan
Note : If you use a non spring foam pan such as a heart shaped regular pan. Make sure you line the inside such that your parchment paper covers the bottom as well as sides with an over hang - that way when the cake is covered with the glaze and set - you can take the cake out of the pan with the help of the over hang parchment paper. I hope you understand what I mean. 

Since there is no flour in the batter, the cake is soft, I line the inside of my pan with parchment paper so I can remove it to a serving platter.
Sine we are going to bake this cake in a water bath - line the outside of the pan with foil so no water will enter into the pan while baking.
Prepare the batter: This is the easiest part.

Place the Chocolate and Butter in a microwave safe bowl. Heat for one minute on high, Stir if necessary heat another 20 secs followed by 10 secs until the chocolate is completely melted.
Note: Chocolate even when melted will hold it's shape until you stir. So do stir when you take it out of the microwave. 

 One the chocolate is melted - add in the sugar and stir to dissolved. About a minute.
The mixture by now should be cool to touch, start adding the eggs one at a time making sure you incorporate each egg before you add the next. 
Add the coffee/espresso mixture and vanilla.
 Your batter is ready.
Pour into your baking pan
Place the pan in on the center rack - and pour hot water on the out side of the pan - about 2 cups should do..
Close the oven and let cook at 150C/300 F for about an hour.
Your can is done when you see that center is set when you touch it. 
When done it will be raised slightly which will sink as it cools. Don't worry that is normal.
The top usually will have this crust which if you prick will crack...! 
Let cool completely on the counter top then place in the fridge for an hour or couple of hours.
Make the glaze

Place the chocolate and butter in a microwave safe bowl again and melt. Start at 40 sec then 20 sec and more 10 secs if needed. 
Prepare the strawberries. 
Wash and pat dry the strawberries. Choose similar sizes and ones that are not bruised.
Important - Make sure that the strawberries are dry when you dip them into the chocolate or the chocolate will seize.
 Once you chocolate is melted - simple dip the strawberry into the chocolate. Place the strawberries on a parchment lined tray and into the fridge so the chocolate can set.
Next heat the whipping cream to almost a boil, pour it into the chocolate and stir to combine. 
It will look a bit runny but don't worry it will set later. 
Pour it right over the cake that is still inside the pan.
Let set in the fridge for a couple of hours - or over night. You want to make sure your chocolate has enough time to set. 
 Once the cake is completely chilled - run a knife thru the edges of your cake to separate the pan from the cake. Release the clip and you have your cake all set to be garnished.
 Place the strawberries in a decorative fashion. I personally would prefer that all strawberries were around the edges but my son choose to put some in the center.. ah well..!
I do hope you try this cake this valentines day..or when ever you crave for chocolate.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. This cake looks amazing.. especially like how the glaze and strawberries are served on the cake. Thanks so much, can't wait to try it!!
