Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Spaghetti and sausages pasta

About a year ago a friend posted pictures of spaghetti inserted thru the pasta on Facebook.  My son happen to see it, so we ended up making this dish. Since then it's the kids favorite fun food.

So, though you are getting the recipe from, the original idea is not mine. In fact I do not know whose idea it is. I just took the idea of inserting the spaghetti but the sauce is my own..
You too can use what ever sauce you like.
Here I am sharing my kids favorite recipe. Feel free to adjust to your preference.

Serves 3
Here's what you will need.

250 grams / 8 oz of Spaghetti
250 grams mini sausages

For the tomato sauce:
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 med onion
1 large garlic minced
1/2 med red bell pepper
4 large chopped tomatoes ( I always use fresh tomatoes)
1 tbsp tomato paste (mostly for the color)
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 sprigs of Basil.
1/4 cup cream (optional)
1 tsp crush red pepper flakes (optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste.

 Chop the onion, garlic, bell pepper and tomatoes fine.
Add olive oil and galic to the skillet. Saute for 2 mins then add in the onions and red bell peppers.
Cook for about 2 to 3 minutes.
Add the Brown sugar and cook until it's almost brown but don't burn. This gives the sauce a nice deep color without using canned tomatoes.
Next, throw in your tomatoes and tomato paste.
Add crushed pepper flakes, salt and pepper.
Cook for about 15 to 20 mins.  If necessary add a 1/4 cup water.
In the mean while prepare your sausages and spaghetti.
Take each spaghetti and break into three. Then skewer each piece thru the sausage randomly. 
 This is a good project for the kids. These are mostly done by my 5 year old..
As you can see they do not need to be perfect.
Boil them in a post of boiling water as per the directions of the spaghetti. 

Once cooked - drain and set aside - Keep warm.
Mean while your sauce should have reduced considerably. Add in the basil and cream if using.
Taste and adjust seasoning. 
I personally prefer to keep the sauce chunky as above - but my kids prefer the smooth sauce.
You can either leave it as is or use a hand held to smooth it a bit. Not to much.. !
Throw in your cooked spaghetti/sausages. Stir to combine.
And your spaghetti and sausage pasta is ready. 

I do hope you find this fun... Thanks for stopping by.

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