Sunday, November 25, 2012

Goats Cheese Tart

If you love Goat Cheese - you will absolutely adore this tart.. It's a sure winner at any party.  I made this today for my husband's birthday party and had a few 'wow's' all around it..

The first time I tried a goat cheese tart was at a restaurant in Toronto. It was made with Sun dried tomatoes, goat cheese, Boursin cheese and chives. since then I absolutely love goats cheese tarts and keep trying many variations on this.

Personally I love the roasted red peppers version better than the sun dried tomatoes but if you prefer feel free to go with the tomatoes.

Makes a 9" tart 

For the Pastry:
150 grams All Purpose Flour
80 grams Butter
1 egg
2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese
2 to 3 tbsp cream or milk as needed

For the filling
4 red peppers roasted - (see note 1 below)
1/4 cup red onions cooked  - (see note 2 below)
1/4 tsp garlic powder
250 grams Goat Cheese - (see note 3 below)
4 large eggs
200 ml cooking cream (10 to 15% is ok too)
1/4 cup chopped Green onions or chives
2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese

Note 1 :  Clean wash and cut in half the red peppers, bake in a hot oven at 200C/400F for about 20 to 30 mins turning once, until the skin is almost browned but not burnt.  Remove from the oven, place in a bowl, cover with cling/plastic wrap for 10 minutess - then remove the skin and seeds,  but do not wash. Chop and use as directed below.

Note 2 - Chop a small red onion fine, saute in a pan on medium heat until transluscent.

Note 3 - Goat Cheese has a very strong flavor, if you prefer you could use half Goat Cheese and half of regular cream cheese. Try the soft french cheese such as Boursin

Make the pastry with the above recipe as shown in my previous post - how to make a pie crust

Pre-bake the crust for 10 minutes at 190C/380F. Cool for 10 mins before you add the filling. 

Spread the roasted red pepper all over the tart, add half the goat's cheese, the cooked red onions, green onions or chives as shown.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Make the filling:
In a bowl add the eggs, cream, balance goat cheese, Parmesan, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Whisk to mix thoroughly.
Pour over your tart and bake in a preheated oven at 190C/380F for another 20 to 25 minutes or until cooked with a slight brown spots. 
 This is how it should look.
The layers of roasted red peppers and green all nicely scattered.
Looks delicious - doesn't it?
I do hope you try it..

Thanks for stopping by.

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