Monday, September 24, 2012

How to freeze mangoes for off season use

I'm not a big fan of freezing food but yes I love to freeze fruits that are in season such as mangoes and strawberries. They are better than the canned variety when you need such a fruit off season.

So yes my freeze usually never has frozen cakes or foods but always has frozen mangoes and strawberries. In fact I never make Jam for the whole year. I prefer fresh jam so when my current jam bottle is almost over I make a fresh bottle if not from the current seasonal fruit then from my frozen strawberries.

My kids love mangoes, especially juices and desserts. I remember one of my favorite drinks as a kid was mango squash.
Now my kids favorite is Mango Yogurt Drink / Mango Lassi. I shared it with you earlier this season.
and Mango Mousse - I also shared with you this season. 

Well, if you do have some in season and want to freeze them. Here's the easiest way to do it.

Wash and wipe the mangoes you want to freeze. Choose nice ripe but firm mangoes. The ripe and soft ones will get very mushy when you thaw them for use.
Use a peeler and peal the skin off the mangoes. Messy job - Watch the fingers.
Chop he mangoes.. First the two cheeks around the seed. Then the flesh around the center seed.
Only take the big chunks. The small cuts can be made into puree and frozen too.
Lay the nice pieces on to a tray with parchment paper. Or plastic wrap.  The pieces should not touch each other.
 Cover well with plastic wrap and place in the freezer for a couple of hours or over night.  
Once frozen - pick individual pieces from the tray and drop into a zip lock bag.
close the bag well - removing as much air as possible. Now put back into the freezer.
When you need to use . Just pick the number of pieces you need out of the bag. Place on a small plate and let thaw in the fridge for a couple of hours. 
Now you have fresh mangoes any time of the year. You can use these for almost everything. If you choose ripe but firm mangoes they thaw well and can be used for dessert toppings too. Some mangoes become very soft when thawed.

Thanks for stopping by.

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