Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Carrot Salad with Raisins and Pecans

A long time ago I use to enjoy this carrot salad in Brussels at a particular restaurant. 
I asked the Chef how he made it and if he could share the recipe because it was so tasty. The answer I got was - it's just carrots with a little seasoning and lemon juice.. Nothing more..!

According to him - Most people don't make carrots because they just assume carrot is a very boring vegetable and should be added into a dish along with other ingredients. However, the truth is that a carrot is most tastiest on it's own. 

It's been ages since I made this but recently a friend made something similar for breakfast. Was kind of a reminder so I now make it again at home. My kids are still not so fond of carrots but hubby and me love it.

Here's how to make this simple, easy, healthy and delicious carrot salad.

3 large carrots - shredded
1/4 cup pecans or walnuts chopped coarse
1/4 cup raisins
1 tbsp olive oil *
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 garlic minced or grated.*
salt and pepper to taste.
(Alternatively you could use garlic oil in place of olive oil and garlic)


Place the raisin in 1/2 cup water and heat in the microwave for 40 seconds. This will soften the raisin and make them juicy.  Drain and set aside.

Combine the lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, sugar , salt and pepper in a bow.
Mix well so all the sugar is dissolved.

Keep all the ingredients ready but do not combine.. It's best to add dressing to salads only when you are ready to eat. Or else the salt in the dressing will limp the vegetables releasing water and making the salad soggy.

About 10 minutes before you want to serve your salad - mix all the ingredients together.

Enjoy your salad.

Thanks for stopping by.

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