Friday, October 18, 2013

Blueberry Cheesecake - Recipe Two

I have already shared a Blueberry Cheesecake recipe with you right?

Well yes!  And that's absolutely my favorite.

Here's a slightly different version of the Blueberry Cheese cake.
In the previous recipe I had the blueberries mixed inside the cheesecake. Here they are only as a topping. Here the Cake is a tad taller too.  Plus...
The advantage of this cake over the other is that when I have guest I'm not sure will like Blueberries on their cheesecake or not - can still enjoy the cheese cake should they wish not to eat the blueberries. My nieces are one of those guest.

Here is the Recipe Card for you

You can Re-Pin this recipe - Click here
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 And here is the Video on how to make this Delicious Cheesecake.


You can find the other version of the Blueberry Cheese Cake  here on m blog - Click here
Here's what it looks like
  and the whole cake

I do hope you try any of these recipes. If you do, please let me know what you think.

Thank you for stopping by, Have a great day...

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