Monday, March 11, 2013

Thai Chicken Skewers

Don't these look yummy? Well, they are very easy to make too. All you do is marinate the chicken, skewer, grill and serve them with your favorite rice or noodle dish.

The reason I say it's easy because I use ready made Thai red curry paste as a base for these skewers. 
Sometimes, these make life a little easy to deal with.... especially when you are rushing to get things done..

Serves 4

Here's what you will need:

500 grams / chicken thighs Boneless - Cut into strips
2 tbsp Soya Sauce
1 tsp. Sesame oil
2 tbsp Thai red curry paste
1 tbsp Canola Oil
Salt and pepper to taste.
1/4 tsp Brown sugar
2 med garlic cloves minced
1 inch piece ginger minced.
Skewers soaked for 30 minutes in water. 

Mix all the marinade ingredients in a bowl. Give it a good stir.
Wash, cut the chicken into pieces or long strips so you can skewer them later.
Wipe them dry so they will hold on to the marinade..
Add the chicken pieces to the marinade.
Cover with cling wrap and let rest in the fridge for a couple of hours or
at least one hour.
Thaw the chicken for about 30 minutes before you decide to cook it.
Skewer them on the soaked bamboo skewers.
Sorry - not a great picture..
Grill until cooked.
On a regular day, I just cook them inside on a heavy bottom skillet.
These take approximately 4 minutes on each side to cook. 
here you see they are almost done..
And that's it.. your Thai Chicken skewers are ready to be serve.
See the red color - It's the Thai red curry paste that gives it this lovely color, not to mention all those flavors of the galangal, lime leaves, Thai chilly, Palm sugar... yep that curry paste is packed with flavor - just make sure you buy a good brand.
I usually serve my skewers with vegetable pilaf - cause that's how my kids love it.. But you could serve them with some noodles or just plain rice too. They are very richly spiced so they don't need much to accompany them.
Don't forget some cut cucumber and tomatoes with the dish.. They just work well with this dish.
 I do hope you try this dish..

Thank you for stopping by, Have a great day...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Veena,
    Just wanted to say I made this for dinner tonight and it was fantastic! I served it with plain jasmine rice and a dollop of ginger-carrot dressing! We also had a Japanese style salad with the ginger-carrot dressing.....truly delicious!
